History of Ballet and Dance

Since I was 13 dance has been an important part of my days and of my life. When I have heard that I could choose some of the courses, History of Ballet and Dance has been the first thing that came up in my mind.

During this semester I have learned many interesting things concerning the history of  Ballet and Dance.  I have learned how the ballet began, the most important theatre in Europe, the most important ballets with its coreographer, musician and something about all the different kinds of dance styles.

For the resources I have used wikipedia, Aurora Marsotto books series "Scuola di Danza", "Il grande libro della danza" and "Ballerina" by Valentina Bonelli.

These are three of the biggest project I have done during this semester :

The first one is a "map" of how Ballet was born. It starts with a little throw back on the celebrations in 1450 and it ends with ballets on the big screens in the cinemas.

The second project is a sort of booklet about the Swan Lake (I have been doing the same for almost all the most famous ballet, but this one is the one I prefer the most ;).
I have first watched the dvd of the ballet with the help of  the resources  I just mentioned I  have found out more about the costumes, the history of the ballet, the life of the great Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij (the composer of the Swan Lake music), the life of  Marius Petipa and of  Lev Ivanov (the coreogrpaher of the ballet), the biggest dancerd who have performed the Swan Lake and the tecnic of the ballet.

The last but not least project I have done is a booklet the same as the Swan Lake one but with the difference that I had the chance to see live at the Finnish Helsinki Opera the Ballet and also had the chance to talk with the coreographer. Im talking about Kullervo, which is a ballet coreographed from the great Tero Saarinen. After been to the opera also here using the same resources I have mentioned before I have found out more about, Tero Saarinen, Jean Sibelus (the composer of the musics), the history of the ballet and so on.....

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